Tuesday, April 5, 2011

CG3 - Assignment 2 process

In assignment 2, we are given the task to create a motion-based poster with 15-20 seconds duration. Using the first assignment as the concept, the following are the process of making the poster done by me. This assignment is done in Adobe Flash Professional CS5.

At the beginning, I opened a file with the following size:

Next, I uploaded my PSD file containing Assignment 1 into the library by dragging it into the said panel.

I arranged all the transferred pictures onto the stage. Each picture is put into its respective layer.

In the timeline panel, I stretched the duration for all layers to frame 361 which is equivalent to 15 seconds. Next, I right-clicked on the stage and created motion tween for all the layers except for the black rectangles.

All the timeline bars turned into blue in color.

Now that all objects are able to be animated, I started the process with the background. The motion for this object is pretty simple. First, I went to Properties -> Color Effects -> Alpha and set the value to 0. The background object is no longer viewable. Secondly, I moved to several frames to the right and set the Alpha value back to 100.
Note that a black dot appeared at the frame where I set the Alpha value. This shows that a motion for the object is created.

Onto the next object which are black lines, the motion set for the object is pretty much similar with the background accept I added a dynamic movement on it. Starting from frame 81, I transformed the object into a very thin line.

Afterwards, I moved to frame 143 and transformed back the lines into its original form. Further on to frame 200, I made a little movement for the lines so that the pictures of food, which will be explained after this, fit into the area perfectly.

Moving on, working on the mentioned pictures, the motion done on both previous objects is applied and at the beginning of the motion, the picture is enlarged. Moved through some frames later, the pictures are transformed and made fit into the areas beside the black lines.

Next, focusing on the yellow, red and blue rings, each of the rings' motion started at different frame. Starting with the yellow ring, the object is moved to the top, outside of the stage.

Gaussian blur, one of the special effects is applied on the ring. The following is the blur value set for the object.

At frame 240, the value is now changed back to 0 and the ring is positioned at the middle of the stage.

The process for animating the ring is applied on the other rings accept the directions they are showed up from. Now, onto the nested animation process for the rings.

The nested animation is created by double-clicked on the ring. Now, entering the symbol-only mode, the object is set with motion tween. At a small interval of frames, I positioned the object at different locations.

The other rings are also applied with similar motion. Afterwards, back to normal mode, furthering on to the final object which is the type. Starting from frame 281, the type is reduced to a very small size. Towards frame 324, the type is enlarged to a much larger size than normal.

For the next couple few frames, the type is shrinked back again and finally, changed back to its usual size.

The animation is previewed by clicking ctrl + enter. It looked like the animation is looped. In order to get rid of this circumstance, a new layer is created and a keyframe is put at frame 361 where the animation should ended. Then, the keyframe is selcted and a panel called Action is opened.

There, the action script "stop();" is typed in within the scripting area.

The animation is previewed again and this time, the animation is no longer in loop.

So, I guess these are all the steps I have used for the assignment. Thanks for reading!

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